Holocentric’s Growth Journey: Leveraging Volaris Group’s Expertise for Profitability and Expansion

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  • Headquarters: Sydney, Australia
  • Acquisition Date:  September 2019
  • Vertical Market: Compliance
  • www.holocentric.com



Based in Sydney, Australia, Holocentric is a leader in providing quality model-based solutions to government, healthcare, financial services, and defence sectors. Holocentric provides organizations with software solutions that help them better understand, change and optimise every detail of their business, including operational strategy, people management, and compliance. 

Since commencing in 1991, the company has strived to provide impactful, mission-critical and modelling software solutions for their clients. Most recently, Holocentric has applied its software to provide “Next Generation” transformation and compliance solutions. This includes providing a Digital Twin of an organization, to help clients better understand their business, and simple to use solutions that help achieve regulatory compliance.

The Decision to Sell

Holocentric was approached by Volaris Group in 2018 and began meaningful ongoing discussions about an acquisition of the company. At the time, Holocentric was seeing strong success, but was having difficulties improving their profitability and growing the business at a rate that company leaders felt was fast enough. Additionally, shareholders that were no longer involved in Holocentric’s business operations were looking to sell their ownership stakes and divest from the company.

Holocentric began looking for an acquirer that could support their growth long-term, and one that had plenty of experience in supporting a variety of businesses find success. Senior leaders at Holocentric were proud of the company that they had built and wanted an acquirer that would enable them to continue building on its success. Holocentric’s leaders were also looking for a company that would allow them to remain independent and ensure that their operations and customer service wouldn’t be disrupted by an integration with another company.

Holocentric leaders found Volaris to be the best fit to secure the company’s future long-term. Volaris Group’s buy-and-hold philosophy provided assurance to the company that it would have a permanent home to grow and wouldn’t be sold off. This aligned with Holocentric’s goals, as senior leaders feared any potential buyers that looked to squeeze out a quick return on their investment before selling the company again. Holocentric also appreciated that Volaris understood and stressed the importance of ensuring ongoing customer success to the business.

Since our acquisition, we are much stronger and in the fortunate position to start considering initiatives to drive organic growth, as well as potential tuck-in acquisition opportunities. We’re excited about the future we see as a company and believe the support of Volaris will accelerate our growth in years to come.

– Dwight Don, CEO, Holocentric

Post-Acquisition Success

Since being acquired by Volaris in September 2019, Holocentric has seen significant growth across its lines of business. Utilizing Volaris’ best practices and expertise, the company has been able to expand and gain new customers, driving larger revenues and faster growth. Under the guidance of Volaris, Holocentric has implemented a more disciplined management approach, which has enabled them to improve profitability, and make them more prepared for future expansion, through both organic growth and tuck-in acquisitions.

Holocentric has begun utilizing new talent development and networking opportunities provided by Volaris for its entire team. This has helped drive greater financial literacy within Holocentric and supported the development of future leaders within the company. Networking opportunities with other Volaris companies, including events such as Quadrants, have also been beneficial in pushing Holocentric to implement new approaches to growing their business. These knowledge-sharing opportunities provided critical guidance in successfully navigating the difficult pressures placed on the business by COVID-19.

Looking forward, Holocentric aims to continue utilizing Volaris Group’s expertise in order to drive further growth and utilize Volaris Group’s M&A experience to enhance its offering to their chosen markets via tuck-in acquisitions.  They will also look to expand their reach into adjacent vertical markets to drive greater and more sustainable growth.  

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